Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 7, 9:15 AM

10:15 AM

My editor clarified what was lost in translation over the phone first thing this morning... Here's a more accurate update...

Janie had a low temperature this morning (96-97 degrees), not a low fever. Low temps can be a sign of infection so they'll draw some blood this AM to make sure all is okay. She doesn't give blood well so pray she's able to do a better job than in the past. She was also sweaty/clammy overnight and at times had low blood pressure. Nobody seems very concerned as these are somewhat normal responses but need to be monitored nonetheless.

If I haven't been clear, JG is basically eating nothing from her bottles and 95% of her nutrution is coming through her tube so pray for a miracle there over the coming weeks. Also, when I say that she's tolerating her feeds, I'm meaning that she's not spitting up. However, as the final portion of her feeding is being expressed into her, she's often showing signs of being in pain (last night she was upset for 45 minutes during her 3:00 AM feeding). This is probably because she feels very full and cannot clean herself out as quickly as she'd like to be able to.

9:15 AM

Janie Grace ran a low-grade fever over night which is not abnormal according to the doctors as her body continues to adjust/stabilize from surgery. Unfortunately, that means that our departure date will probably be pushed back as we'd hoped that today might be the big day. Besides something significant, a fever was probably the only thing that would have kept us here given that she continues to tolerate her feedings every 3 hours. Maybe if the fever drops this morning, we'll still have a chance (please pray this is the case). In a previous hosital stay, we had a departure postponed due to a fever, so it's not surprising to us but still a bit disappointing.

She'll have some follow-up things done today (1) chest x-ray, (2) echo cardiogram and (3) probably a visit from the speech therapists that will track her eating ability.


  1. Hoping the rest of your day went well and things improved. Continued prayers for all of you.

    "The Lord your God is in your midst, A victorious warrior He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy." Zephaniah 3:17 (NASB)

  2. We love you and are praying for you.

    - Jim and Katie Ebert
