Tuesday, April 19, 2011

10:00 AM

Janie's incision has been made. She's being hooked up to the by-pass machine. The real work will begin soon. She will probably spend more time being prepared and cleaned-up than in actual surgery. Pray for Dr. U's hands.

By the way, I asked the surgeon what he uses to patch the hole. I probably gave him a strange look when he said "gortex". Yes, the same stuff on the inside of our modern rain coats. They stitch that into the hole and then the skin tissue grows around it as her heart develops.


  1. Praying for you all today. I can't wait to see sweet Janie Grace again, she is so, so precious!


    PS - if you need ANYthing, call me...I am a good errand runner :)

  2. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I know from experience pediatric cardiorthoracic surgeons are absolutely amazing. God is watching over that operating room right now.
    Jennifer, big hugs to you!
