Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 3, 1:00

So amidst the uncertainty and stess of a PICU, there have to be some smiles now and again. To help with that, Jennifer's sister (Tracy) and some girlfriends from church have come to see Janie and be a familiar face to us.

However, I personally got a good laugh this morning. Unfortunately, my laugh was at Jennifer's expense (but she laughed about it too). I'll explain...

We were told a visitor from church was in the waiting room. Not sure who it was as we hadn't had a call, Jennifer went to the door and immediately was a part of a large embrace. Let me pause here to mention that with Jennifer's dad being a pastor, it's quite possible that somebody could come by for a visit that may "know" us well but isn't a familiar face to us. As Jennifer and this woman separated from their embrace, the guest quickly asked, "how are Steve and Brenda doing?". Jennifer hesitated, caught the eye of the nurse who was still standing there a bit puzzled, started to question the woman she just hugged when the administrator near the door put it together and said, "you must be looking for the Hutchinsons". Jennifer had hugged back just assuming it was somebody from church she'd never met. Can you say AWKWARD moment? As usual, Jennifer laughed it off but felt a bit strange walking past the Hutchinson room on her way to the bathroom. I thought it was pretty funny.


  1. I am still laughing about this... :)

    PS - as predited, I barfed a little after dinner...from now on if anyone asks how I am feeling I am just going to say terrible and see if reverse psychology works on pregnancy, ha :)

    Let us know if you need anything this weekend!

  2. That is too funny! You need some good laughs when you're going through some challenging times like you all have. Funny how God works sometimes.

    Keeping you all in our prayers. :)
