Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 3, 6:00 PM

Below is a picture of Janie being held by Jennifer for the first time post-surgery. It's a bit of an ordeal getting her moved just 2 feet from bed to chair, but well worth it in the end.

She's now had three attempts at bottles. It's a lot of work. Her tongue lacks coordination. Most importantly, she's showing some interest. However, please continue to pray that this improves. We don't expect it to be easy but a measure of certainty that she can do it with some concentration and help sure would be great. By way of background, prior to inserting the feeding tube at the end of January, Janie had figured how to eat from the bottle pretty well but she wasn't strong enough to get enough to grow (she was also burning significant sums of calories as a result of her heart). Hopefully, with the some practice again coupled with being stronger and larger plus not losing calories to an inefficient heart , she'll be able to get this figured out and grow.


  1. So glad you were able to hold her and feed her so quickly. I know you were thrilled! Things seem very positive. Big prayers to leave the PICU asap!

  2. Love, love seeing this picture! Praying she gets the hang of feeding quickly and efficiently! It's so great to see her sweet eyes in these photos ... no doubt she's one tough little cookie!! We'll keep praying for things to continue moving towards even bigger milestones ... love, dianne

  3. Great to see the power of prayer move through such a little one of His. We will continue to lift you all up.
