Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 3, 8:45 AM

Seeing JG this morning immediately indicated to us that she's feeling better as her eyes look more and more like the ones we know. Janie's certainly found her fingers again although her right hand isn't available to her (IV is attached) which is frustating to her (she loves to suck on it in lieu of a pacifier).

We were told that she rested well last night and has been weened off of some of her medications.

The central drainage line from her heart used to get rid of fluid around her heart was taken out this morning after the doctors made their rounds on the floor (two remain that are closer to her lungs). Janie Grace is also getting a much-needed and well-deserved bath. Today's going to be a little more challenging from the standpoint that she's very alert and wanting to move around yet she's still hooked up to plenty of sensors, lines etc.

She should be fed this morning for the first time since surgery via a bottle. Janie's been fed continuously through a tube since the end of January so we're anxiously optimistic that she'll be able to receive some nutrition (and hopefully all) through a bottle going forward.

Feedback this morning is that she'll probably stay in the PICU until Friday. Everybody is very excited about her recovery, but as the attending doctor of the PICU said this morning, "little babies make me nervous".

You'll notice a big difference here in these two from last night, the next from this morning after a bath with a few less tubes!


  1. Lookin' good today Janie G! It's amazing what a good night's rest and a bath can do.

    I think the doctor sounds knowledgeable and wise. I'm glad she gets to keep the "room with the view" for another day/night. I love the care she's getting there!

  2. That all sounds wonderful! I am sure babies are just like us and having a bath probably made her feel (and smell, haha) like a new woman. I will be out and about late this afternoon...if you all want anything, text 336-688-8776 and I am happy to bring you whatever:) Love, Jenn
