Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Dr. U (the surgeon) came to visit with us. He described her heart as PERFECT now. He was smiling he was so pleased. He feels strongly that it's fixed for good with no need for additional repair!

They ended up addressing 3 issues with her heart. It was clear to him why her breathing was so labored. Her little heart was working so hard yet so inefficiently. There was a lot of blood flowing through her lungs.

We hope to see her between 3 & 4. Jennifer says that it's kind of like anticipating her birth. We know she's just around the corner. That said, we're a bit anxious about what we'll encounter. These will be some challenging days of recovery but we have the assurance that her heart is better. Please continue to pray that she can get off the breathing machine and that her heart will quickly heal and recover as we transition to recuperation.

Simply, we are overwhelmed. I sat here for ten minutes writing different words/phrases and then erasing them. I cannot come up with anyway to verbally describe how we feel. I suppose our smiles say it all. We're relieved but know there are difficult days ahead.


  1. How good to know that God understands us even when we can't find the words to speak. Praising God with you for how well the day has gone and praying with you that things continue to do as well or better. in HIS hands, Lori Lewey

  2. This is such wonderful news!!! A perfect heart for a perfect little girl :)

  3. So thankful!! I so vividly remember that feeling of hearing the surgeon give us a report full of praise and joy. His face said it all and ours just reflected it back. We have been praying for you guys all day while we, too were at the hospital on the 1st, 7th, and 9th floors. We were privileged to be lifting her up as the surgery progressed, as well as all of you. So happy you could feel the prayers carrying you. I pray you can feel how clearly God is in that place. Those waiting rooms became holy ground for us for worship, prayer, and God's presence.

    Praying He continues to carry you and your smiles of praise continue to shine. I will never forget leaning over Julia in the PICU just beaming- so thankful, but so proud of my baby girl for being so strong. Janie Grace is, too! Such a little warrior :)

  4. Tears of joy and thankfulness!

  5. I made it as far as "our smiles say it all," before the tears came ... you communicated it all perfectly Jason. I'm so grateful and joy-filled for you all and for Janie Grace!

  6. That is wonderful news!!! We will continue praying for you!! Love, The Schindlers

  7. Prayed through Chris Tomlin's song "I Lift My Hands" for little JG this morning-

    Be still, there is a healer
    His love is deeper than the sea
    His mercy, it is unfailing
    His arms, a fortress for the weak

    Let faith arise
    Let faith arise
    I lift my hands to believe AGAIN
    You are my refuge, You are my strength
    As I pour out my heart, these things I remember
    You are FAITHFUL, God, FOREVER

    Be still, there is a river
    That flows from Calvary's tree
    A fountain for the thirsty
    Your grace that washes over me

    Such precious truth and SO appropriate for Janie Grace today! Praising Him for His goodness and that sweet little rascal! Love you lots!

  8. Such wonderful news!!! Yay!! :) :) :) Lots of smiley faces! We'll keep praying for her recovery & healing...

  9. Hey all and Praise God for such huge news! I am sure you are all exhausted mentally, physically, and spiritually, but God will supply all of your needs. We love you all a ton and have been praying for all of you, the medical staff, and Janie Grace continually. We love all of you and pray for you daily. Love you...Cousin Clin

  10. SO very glad to hear your good news! My thoughts and prayers will be with you in the days ahead.
    wanda Hamilton
