Tuesday, April 19, 2011


We've been told that the surgery is still in process. It doesn't appear that there have been complications but it's looking like it might be on the longer part of the time estimate. She may need to be hooked up to a machine to help her breathe even after being sent to the PICU. We were told this could be the case. We'll stay in the main surgical waiting area until 1:00.

I told Zack that I'm anxious, jittery and shaky...sort of like before a b-ball game in high school. Nonetheless, our spirits are high and the time is passing quickly.

Please pray that her body would accept these changes well and that it would quickly make the necessary adjustments.


  1. Janie Grace is "The Little Engine That Could." She's small, but she is strong! Praying for all the many details in finishing her surgery and getting her to recovery.

    Len and I will be heading your way in a couple of hours. We are praying without ceasing.

  2. So glad to hear you can feel the Lord's peace and that the time is passing quickly. Praying fervently for your sweet girl.
    I'm so thankful for the blog to check in and hear how things are going. Thanks for the updates Jason.

  3. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!! We have been sending prayers your way continually the last few days. God is so good!!!!!!!

    Mark & Susie Milner
