Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 4, 11:00 PM

So we transferred from the PICU to the floor at around 5:30 tonight. This afternoon wasn't particular easy as JG had a big spit-up after the lines to her neck and thigh were removed which caused her much discomfort to the point of upsetting her stomach. She wasn't very interested in eating from bottles the 2nd half of today, so they've bumped up her IV this evening in order to make sure she has enough liquids.

I'm sure our nurse on the floor tonight is wondering why the PICU permitted her to come over as she's been pretty miserable all evening. For those that know Janie well, you know that she really doesn't get upset unless there's a legitimate reason. Often, that good reason is related to being unable to fill her diaper with ol' #2. Tonight has been 3-4 hours of trying to clean out the pipes with the nurse using every tool available to her but only minor success. It's 11:15 and she's now been content for 10 minutes. We're not really sure why she's so backed up as that wasn't a problem until today. Oops, spoke to soon. Unfortunately, she's been straining so much that she's causing herself to bleed from some of her incision points (hence, no picture tonight). We were told this would be a roller coaster ride! Hopefully she can get some rest here soon and us as well.

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