Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 6, 6:00 PM

We got a visit from the Easter Bunny this afternoon. Even better was a visit from Tracy & Zack who brought a wonderful meal that we shared on the patio outside on the 12th floor of this building. It was a beautiful afternoon. Thanks to Pastor Ken for a surprise visit as well.


  1. She looks very content and so, so sweet! Praying you will be able to go home on Tuesday. Love, Jenn

  2. That is such a precious picture. It's hard to believe the roller coaster she's been on when you see that sweet face. We are praying for you...ALL of you. I can only imagine how draining all of this is, emotionally and physically. Hopefully you will be back to "normal" soon even if it is a bit different than what you have become accustomed to. Hang in there.

  3. Doesn't get any sweeter than that. Love her (and you guys!)

  4. Good night to you all. Our last prayers this evening are for your entire family.

  5. such a sweet photo of you 3 girls. thinking of you so much. thanks for the updates, it is good to be able to know how things are going with you all and little JG. hang in there,i know this has not been easy. thankful you have been supported, loved and cared for in the midst of this difficult time.
    love, amanda
