Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 3, 12:30

Good news! Janie had her first bottle of thickened pedialyte. We were real pleased with how well she did. It wasn't very coordinated but she certainly was retaining some of it and worked on the bottle until it was gone. We should be allowed to start bottles with Jennifer's milk later today. Dr. U, in particular, is very interested in allowing her to try the bottle as long as possible before resorting to the tube. His exact words were "I'd like to avoid a step backward". Therefore, we should be given some time to give this a go. Here's a picture of her eating...


  1. Go Janie! Glad she's made such a good start on this--I know you must be encouraged!

  2. absolutely LOVE the key contact!! So precious

  3. That is SUCH GREAT NEWS! I have a feeling this is just the'll be seeing a new Janie every day. Praise God.

  4. What great news! JG, way to go holding your Mother's hands while you take your bottle!! What a great picture. Evidence of blessings!

  5. This picture of her eating and looking into momma's eyes is beautiful! Her eating from the bottle is great in itself, but this picture is great. The way you are holding her and supporting her while she is weak and eating reminds me of our Father In Heaven...He holds us and supports us when we are weak and provides for us in all ways! Love you all and praying for the whole family...Clint

  6. She looks amazing! So happy she continues to progress. Jason and Jennifer- i love the pictures with you two in them! The love you have for Janie Grace shimmers in your eyes.

  7. She looks wonderful! So excited for all the steps forward. Kids are such amazing little patients. They could sure teach the grown ups a few things :) So happy to see her eating and smiling at you guys. What a precious gift :) Thanking God for His healing hands and all those doing His work at Brenner's.
