Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 2, 12:15

So the breathing tube is out and she's doing well on her own! She's getting a little bit of oxygen through her nostrils to supplement her breathing a bit. She's definitely still agitaged and wigglin' around, so the most challenging task for the nurses is to keep her comfortable and still. There are still several critical tubes and wires that would cause problems if they were removed in the wrong way. Lots of gentle moans that come at a regular cadence to remind us that she's not very pleased with us. Her eyes are still closed 99% of the time as she's still getting some pain and sedation meds. Here's a picture of her breathing tube-free and a 2nd picture to give an appreciation for all the apparatus (or is it apparati) that is keeping her going. The final picture is of a now very relaxed Janie.

By the way, the sweet housekeeper that we recognize from our prevoius stays agreed that she's a little angel lying there, so I'm in good company!


  1. Oh, definite sweet angel! I am with you and the housekeeper! Glad to hear the breathing tube is out and she's doing well on her own. GO Janie Grace!!! You're doing great sweet girl!!!

  2. Beautiful! So glad she's off the ventilator. Go Janie!

  3. Great news!

    We are praying for a speedy recovery.

    Ward family

  4. We are praying for all of you!

    The Voss'
