Friday, October 14, 2011

Yellow Day

On non-school days, Jensen is often allowed to assemble her own outfit(s) for the day. (Note: nearly every outfit selection would probably be blog worthy. Think pastel stripes with primary polka-dots.) Thursday, Jensen's decided upon attire would have indicated that we missed the Yellow Day memo. Jennifer tactfully reminded Jensen that the three ladies were going to Jacob's school to have lunch with him and gently suggested a pink or blue skirt to nicely match her shirt. Jensen's response..."But mommy, yellow matches yellow." And they headed off to school as is.

Yes, Jensen, pale yellow does match canary yellow...but only in your fashion world!

(I took this picture 4 times but couldn't get Jensen to not make this should have seen the others!)

Jensen sure is "sunshine" in our lives.


  1. Julia dresses with those same rules. She loves to wear her purple stripes with her purple polka dots and her Christmas socks (haven't figured the last part out!) I love their logic. I should put together a series of photos to save for her high school years when she questions my fashion opinions ;)
