Monday, October 24, 2011

Weekend Recap Follow-Up

Jensen's choice in clothing is a favorite topic to write about as it often brings a smile to our faces and forces a shake of the head.

(some of this is being written down for Jensen as we trust she'll read through this one day.)

Yesterday (remember it's October), was no different...Jensen got to pick out her dress for church (we were reminded why that doesn't happen often). She went with a burgundy sleeveless number suitable for Christmas Eve (last year). Therefore, she needed a sweater. Jensen (with some help) went with a thick-knit cream-colored sweater (a nice choice). Mixed in there were purple socks, navy shoes, a brown bow and hair that needed a 10-minute brushing but only got a minute's worth of attention.

As soon as were home from church, as always, the socks and shoes came off. For those that cannot handle a clashing outfit, that decision was a blessing. She kept the Christmas dress on all day but brought out a new sweater with stripes in a rainbow of primary colors when it was time to go to the hospital to see Charlotte. For shoes, she went with flips flops that fit her best during the summer of 2010, but were worn out in 2009.

Fast forward to 7:00 PM. Dinner is done, we're heading outside for smores, it's probably low/mid 50's, most of us are wearing long-sleeves, youngest kids are wearing hoods/hats, grass which is 3 inches too long and very thick is quite wet from dew...Jensen comes out with 2009 flips flops, sleeveless Christmas dress and no sweater (for die-hard readers of this blog...she DID remember her underwear). When we told her she was going to be cold and needed a sweater, we got the look of "you guys are so 1990's". The flip flops won out, she reluctantly put on a sweater and proceeded to have a magical evening outside never complaining about wet feet or being cold. That's our Jensen!!

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