Thursday, October 6, 2011

Huitsing (sp?)

***Surely I'm about to offend somebody, but I hope you understand that I post this in the spirit of "clean" fun.***

Growing up with the last name "Huitsing", I've grown accustom to a pause when a person new to me calls out my name for the first time, "Jason...Hitesing" or "Jason...Wheetsing" or "Jason...Hutsing" or "Jason...Hootsing"or several dozen other mispronunciations that I've heard over the years most of which would make you think Huitsing is more Asian than Dutch. Telemarketers never stood a chance because I could immediately identity them and would often hang up during the pause.

Well, today, my somewhat challenging and very unique last name hit epic proportions as a new variation of it can now be added to the mantle of mispronunciation shame. I received a Fedex package at work today (from an innocent sender). Below is a picture of a portion of the address label. new nicknames!

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