Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hallmark Called...

...they want this picture for the front of a greeting card.

Yes, the picture is outrageously cute. Yes, Brooks is a great kid...close friend of Jacob, son of friends Robert and Ginger. Yes, these little children are 6 and 4 not 16 and 14.

However...there's part of me that feels this urge as a dad to say, "Brooks, you're sitting too close to my daughter." !!!!!

I've got feeling this picture foreshadows the emotions of future days!

Brooks, you're welcome to take Jensen on a date (in 30 years), but please just stop my storage building on your way in to pick her up. Don't mind the noise, I'll just be tuning up my power tools.

(Disclaimer: photo was taken at Landry's dress-up birthday party.)

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