Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Janie's Asleep...for a Minute

We've had 3 very different nappers growing up in our house.

Jacob would probably still take an afternoon nap everyday if we told him to while Jensen stopped needing naps at a relatively very young age as we were tired of her being up until 10:00 with us in the evening when she did rest in afternoon. Janie Grace's napping, on the other hand, is difficult to classify or explain. She rarely sleeps for 2 consecutive hours during the day. Often she sleeps for about 20 minutes at a time. However, she always wakes up with a smile whether it has been for 30 minutes or 90 minutes and hardly whines when she should be tired. Sometimes she sleeps at 1:00, other times it's at 10:00 and sometimes she's napping when I get home from work around 6. There are days where between 8 AM and 8 PM she'll have slept for just 30 minutes. Now, let's be honest, 3rd children never have the luxury of routine that first-borns have. Plus, Janie's first days which could have been used to establish a nap routine were spent with medical professionals be they in-home visits or in-office care. Certainly, she's not to blame. Nonetheless, Janie is often forced to catch a nap in the car on the way to pick up J & J from school, while running an errand with Jennifer or during whatever moment of quiet presents itself during a busy day. We're thankful she's so flexible and she's always been a wonderful night sleeper.

Curious why I just typed all this non-sense? It's a set-up for a couple cute pictures of her as Janie took a nap in a new spot the other day. While Jennifer was changing out seasonal clothing of the kids, she looked over to see Janie Grace suddenly cashed out on the floor. JG had given no warning of her impending slumber, but all of a sudden she was counting sheep. Just proves the point that every day is a new day when it comes to Janie's sleep patterns and locations. Further, no three children sleep the same! (that wasn't in the parenting manual.)

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