Thursday, February 16, 2012

Newscaster Jacob

Each morning at Jacob's school, a couple of the oldest students are piped into each classroom via the television monitors for the purpose of leading the school pledge, the Pledge of Allegiance and making annoucements. In honor of Black History Month, 1st grade students have been asked to be special guests on the morning "newscast" in order to highlight significant inventions created by African Americans throughout our country's history.

Since volunteering for the task, Jacob has been very excited to share about Fredrick McKinley Jones. Mr. Jones invented refrigerated transportation trailers (in lieu of using ice), air-conditioning for military field hospitals, and box-office equipment that gave tickets and made change among other creations.

I got a chance to watch this all go down this morning when I dropped Jacob off for school. I was proud of him. He had spent lots of time practicing and was able to speak clearly, loudly and slowly and even changed his voice inflection. Brian Williams doesn't need to worry about anything, but Jacob may have just launched a broadcasting career. Who knows???!!! We may need to work on a stage name. Huitsing may not cut it!

Here he is broadcasting alongside good buddy, Jamari.

An older student holding the cue card behind the camara.

Leading the Pledge.

1 comment:

  1. This is just way too cool!! Nice job, Jacob! :)
