Monday, February 27, 2012

Jensen Update

We left Brenner at 11:45. Jensen and Jennifer are headed for well-deserved ice cream!

Jensen was so brave today and such a great patient. We were so impressed. The medical staff kept complimenting her composure. The end result is that 5 polyps were removed in a procedure that took a bit longer than expected given how many there were. A couple were quite large which probably explains why Jensen was going to the bathroom so often. Given the quantity of them, it appears she's probably genetically predisposed to getting them. Therefore, this is something the doctor foresees the possibility of needing to do every couple years. Nothing differently she/we can do. There aren't ties to diet etc. with the formation of these things (assuming they're benign which is the belief of the doctor). The samples are off to the lab for testing.

She ended up on general anesthesia so she needed an IV. Crazy how quickly she went off to sleep once they started the drugs (less than 15 seconds). When they were done, it took her a while to wake back up given the lingering effect of the drugs, her already being tired (we were up until midnight getting the miralax into her) and a lack of energy due to no food. However, as soon as we walked out of the hospital, her mouth was back to motoring non-stop as usual. As we walked through the parking deck to the van, we were downloading for her what they'd done which was basically me describing what had happened (we hadn't told her much ahead of time). When I was done, she paused and asked "but Daddy, why didn't they even look at my bottom?". Apparently, the drugs worked well!

We're glad to have this done. We have a follow-up appointment in a couple weeks. Certainly our hope is that these polyps are benign (they actually showed us one...strange looking things). We'd love it if this was an isolated life-event. Time will tell. Thanks for your prayers. They were evident yesterday and today as everything went as smoothly as could have been hoped for.


  1. So very thankful that it's done and that Jensen did so well--she is terrific! Praise God for good doctors and good anesthesia. The subtitle of this post, at least for her, is: While You Were Sleeping...

  2. Prayers going up for Jensen!
