Friday, February 3, 2012

Birthday Gift

Several months ago, I found myself caught up in a PBS special that was featuring Will Ferrell of SNL fame. His was winning some sort of lifetime achievement award for comedy. Personally, I find it comedic that such an award exists, but it was mind-numbing television after a long day. Side note, it's interesting to me that Ferrell's true personality is far different than those he often portrays when in character. Anyway, throughout the program, clips were run of Ferrell's most famous SNL skits and movie scenes. One that caught my attention, which I'd forgotten about, was a classic skit in which a 70's-era rock band (Blue Oyster Cult) is in studio producing a "gold record" thanks to the direction of the Bruce Dickinson (played by Christopher Walken). Ferrell and his band mates, a collection of SNL stars, are portraying the members of BOC. The song being recorded features the cowbell which Ferrell famously plays (do you play a cowbell?) or taps while wearing a vintage 70's shirt that was a couple sizes to small for him. Walken famously repeats over and over again, "I gotta have more cowbell!". I won't go any further in describing the scene, but it was funny enough that Jimmy Fallon (the "drummer") was unable to control his own laughter during the skit.

All that said, over the ensuing weeks I would often out-of-nowhere exclaim to the kids and Jennifer, "I gotta have more cowbell!". Jennifer, as she does so well, jumped on that and ordered me a t-shirt for my birthday. She and the kids whispered about it for weeks leading up to the big day, so I knew something funny was in the works. They were all so excited when I opened it, and we got a good laugh.

I've worn the t-shirt just once so far and have already received several funny comments.

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