Sunday, February 26, 2012

Jensen's Monday Morning

If it comes to mind, say a prayer for Jensen. At 9:00 AM on Monday, she'll have a procedure to remove what is presumed to be a polyp or two from her intestine as she's been having blood in her stool. Jensen will need to be sedated for a few minutes as the doctor shouldn't need too much time.

Today, since getting a nice hearty breakfast early this morning, Jensen is getting nothing but clear fluids (no less than 64 ounces) and lots of miralax as she gets "cleaned out". By the end of today, we need to see nothing but clear liquids exiting her body. Hopefully, we can get the miralax into her quickly so that she can have a normal night of sleep and not be aware of her hunger.

She took in the first 16 ounces very quickly. Hopefully, the next 48 will go quickly as well.


  1. We're rooting for you Jensen! Julia said she knows you can do it, too and enjoy the popsicles and the sleepy medicine. We'll be praying for you!

  2. Sending up continued prayers now as your procedure begins. We pray you are soundly and peacefully sleeping Jensen. We pray for the doctor's and nurses that they may feel God's presence and have His wisdom in all things. Praying for a smooth procedure and complete resolution of this issue. Praising God for the blessing of this hospital and the work He is doing through all who work and visit there. We are so blessed to have this gift for our children.
