Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wednesday Morning Update

It seems that Jennifer and JG had a pretty good night. Janie rested well and is asleep again as I write. (Friends of Tracy & Zack, Ryan & Anna, live very near the hospital and are graciously letting me sleep there so that I can be close to the hospital.) It seems Jennifer was able to get some rest as well.

The doctors were pleased with the progress they observed this morning. Janie certainly looked like herself to me this morning when I first saw her. It's still easy to have a moment of fright when we see her tape-free as we'd been conditioned to know that was a bad thing the past 6 months. I can still feel myself reaching for her hands every time I see her hands up near her nose. In a good way, that will take some getting use to!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. Yes, a good change to adjust to. Everything ok with feeding via tube?
