Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Day of 1st Grade

Today was a big day for our family. With Jacob's kindergarten experience being at a church pre-school, Jacob's first day of 1st grade was more of the quintessential first day of school for him and all of us...public school, 500+ kids, lots of buses, etc.

As is so typical of Jacob, he's been counting down the days and has been genuinely excited for this moment to arrive. While there was a mild sense of apprehension as we walked the halls for the drop-off, he obliged a photo, walked right in, and gave a hug to his sweet teacher.

He's been less nervous about this day than his parents have been the last couple weeks. For me, I feel like this is a significant milestone on the road of parenthood. Yet again, we have to loosen the reigns and trust him to the care of the Lord and others. It’s easy to want to be a fly on the wall as he experiences so many new things all in one day...meeting new classmates (he doesn’t know anybody in 1st grade at this school), walking into the cafeteria for the first time, going to the little boys room and playing on the playground. What are his eyes going to see? What thoughts will run through his inquisitive brain? What emotions will he feel? It’s easy to want to be there for him to show him the ropes and give him a boost of confidence. Instead, we pray throughout the day and anxiously await whatever feedback he’ll provide to us tonight.

One big change for us this school year is that I get to take Jacob to school each morning as his start time and location lines up well with my commute to Winston. I’m looking forward to our mornings in the car together. Today I was getting peppered about my school “commutes” as a child. Jacob’s eyes lit up when I told him I rode my bike to school. For some reason, I’m guessing that he and I will have an early morning ride to school before the weather chills!

Jacob, some day when you’re reading this, please know how proud mama and I are of you today. You’ve taught us lots of life lessons in 6 years and you’re adding to the list with how you’re approaching another new situation.

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