Tuesday, August 2, 2011

2:30 update

Got up to room 832 around 2:00.

Janie's definitely struggling to come off of the anesthesia and is clearly in pain. A girl that rarely cries is showing us what her "I'm hurting" cry sounds like.

That said, with a little music and some singing she gets calmed down. (Morphine doesn't hurt either).

It's really fun to be able to look at her sweet face free of tape & tube and not be worried about rushing to the ER or to Krista to drop the tube again! Those that remember Jacob and Jensen at this age will probably join us in agreeing that she looks just like them in the photo below.


  1. Morphine, toradol, and hydrocodone will be your friends for the next week. Julia's pain the first week was pretty rough. I have never washed the clock as much as a I did for that month and her meds schedule. Love the tube-free, sleeping face :)

  2. She's so beautiful. I'm sorry she's in such pain- I know that must hurt you so much. I'm thankful she's comforted by the medicine, singing and being in your arms. Praying for her tonight. Xo JG!
