Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thursday Afternoon

Good News! We walked out of the hospital around 3:30 and after a few errands got home around 5:00. It's certainly nice to be home.

Advanced Homecare has already been by with some of the supplies we need going forward.

Carrying Janie around the house without her pole is delightful! A kind high school friend of Jennifer's already dropped a meal by. We feel blessed.

Janie still hasn't done much in the way of filling her diaper but we were dismissed nonetheless.

She wasn't able to tolerate 3 oz at one time. It looks like we'll be doing 2 oz every three hours during the day and then run her pump at night while she sleeps. We really hoped to be at that point over the next few months so being there now is great! As her stomach expands, we'll build up to 3 oz at every feeding in hopes of not using the feeding pump at all during the night. We'll return to oral feedings tomorrow.

Here's a picture of our girl happy to be home.

For those following our kitchen progress, here's the newly installed pantry and shelving.


  1. Hooray! How wonderful for you to be home! I love Jennifer's shirt, PS. And Janie looks more full in the face- but it's probably just the angle.
    I'm thankful for you. :)

  2. I think she has filled out in the face - Go JG Go!! So happy you are home together! We love you guys!
