Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tooth Fairy Scheduled to Arrive

The Tooth Fairy will be visiting the house tonight as Jacob proudly helped his tooth make its final exit. He's quite willing to show off his gap to anybody that will pay attention!

On a completely unrelated note, Janie Grace has an important appointment with the GI doctor on Wednesday morning. We're to the point where we hope this will be the beginning of the process of moving to the G-tube (a port with direct access to her belly). The G-tube should be a more permanent and less-nerve wracking form of sustaining JG with nutrition. Clearly, the tube through her nostril is more problematic as she gets more and more curious and active. She's back to wearing mittens and we're having to change her tape far more frequently. Furthermore, the current tube was never intended to be utilized for this long a time period.

Never thought we'd be ready for a minor surgery to install such a device, but, at this point, it appears our best option until Janie can completely sustain herself via oral feeding.

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