Thursday, June 23, 2011

Feeding Tube Update

We're pleased to let you know that Janie's reacted well to the tube in her stomach for the 1st 24 hours! Thus far, there hasn't been a single spit-up. This is pretty remarkable and we are pleasantly surprised. Obviously, we cannot see what's happening in her stomach, but we trust that it is properly dumping her food into the intestine as it should. Keep in mind, this is the first significant portion of food in her stomach since January.

Assuming her stomach continues to tolerate the food, the opportunity exists for being less dependent on the feeding tube/pump. For example, it's possible over time that we could begin to simulate "meals" for Janie rather than a continuous flow. Of course, we don't want to get ahead of ourselves and realize it's been only 24 hours, but it gives us hope that in time the pole could become less and less an active part of Janie's life. (I'll have to get a picture of our friend the pole up on the blog so you can see Janie's shadow while she's at home.) We love the poll because it helps to sustain our daughter, but we won't be sorry to see it go some day!

Thanks for your prayers and please pray that Janie's stomach continues to accept the food and that, in time, she'll be able to tolerate larger quantities of food over shorter timeframes.