Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Janie Update

We wanted to bring some news on Janie's recent developments:

1) She's up to a hefty 11 lbs. 3 oz.

2) JG's down to one prescription. (no more medication to keep her lungs dry!) The lone remaining medication is for her reflux. It's actually a different one that we hope will have better success controlling her reflux. It comes in pill form that dissolves in her mouth.

3) After today's cardiologist appt, she doesn't need to return to the cardiologist for three months.

4) She continues to be willing to have food go in her mouth (just not enough volume to sustain herself).

5) Janie rolls around the floor and has relatively good upper-body strength.

Areas of concern are as follows:

1) She's not made much progress with eating from her mouth. It's better than immediately after surgery but still far from what it needs to be. Jennifer as begun the process of working with feeding specialists at Chapel Hill. She was encouraged by her first visit. It was during that visit that the change was made to the reflux medication. Additionally, the therapist immediately noticed the acidic scent of Janie's breath despite the fact that she never spits anything up. Her belief is that Janie has silent reflux meaning that there is probably a constant presence of stomach acid in her throat.

2) Her lower body is still immature relative to being 6 months old. JG's torso, hips and legs have the development characteristics of a 1-month old.

3) An eye doctor visit is scheduled for July 7th so we're hopeful that her eyes are developing well.

Regardless of the concerns above, Janie's a delightfully pleasant 6-month old who's very content and easy-going. She loves her brother and sister based on the way she responds to them and we all get to see lots of smiles.

On a different note, we've been reminded of the blessing of health insurance this week as the bills from her surgery week have trickled in. Let's just say that you could come to NC and by a house similar to our home for the cost of her week. Dollars well-spent from our perspective!

I'm attaching a photo of Janie Grace at the pool. The feeding tube creates the need for a homemade fix with the help of tape and a plastic bag. It's a bit of process for Jennifer to get her in the pool.

Jennifer's Granny was recently in town for a visit.

Not sure what happended to Jacob's blue sunglasses.

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