Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Diving Board Fun

Jacob has been reluctant to dive off the low-dive this year at the pool despite having done it in the past at other pools. His explanation was that the deep-well at the pool we joined this year is 12-feet, and he's only been in 10-feet before. (This is classic evidence that he is my son...quite calculating.) I enjoy making a fool of myself on the ol' boards, so I've been borderline begging him to join me as it would give me more of an excuse to jump off of the boards at times other than adult swim. I received the call today that he'd taken the plunge and proceeded to repeat the feat several more times giving me hope that we'll never return to Jacob as the diving board observer. As it turn out, Jacob's friend Cole was the coaxing factor rather than his ol' man. Come to find out, Cole actually jumped off of the high-dive which means I'm guessing Jacob will be bringing his tape measure to the pool tomorrow.

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