Monday, May 14, 2012

Jason & Jennifer Pics

I know it's hard to imagine now that such a time existed, but when Jennifer and I first started dating and even in the early years of our marriage, we took film to the drugstore to be developed (gasp!).  Yes, we had to wait hours/days/weeks to see if we liked the pictures we'd taken.

Therefore, I'm going to take advantage of some early Jennifer/Jason pictures having recently been scanned for a presentation to MOPS that Jennifer is doing in order to memorialize the early days of our life together using modern technology.

But First....HORNET PRIDE!

The "Original" (while not the actual first known picture to contain Jennifer & Jason, it's what is thought to be the relationship kickoff picture of Jason/Jennifer the Couple.)  Taylor's Homecoming - 1997

Engagement Picture #1...moments after that memorable event

Wedding Day #1 (I had forgotten I was allowed to get married at just 14 years of age!)

Exiting our wedding reception beneath a canopy of sparklers.

Real Chicago Pizza at the original Pizzeria Uno at some significant moment early in our marriage.  Jennifer will remember exactly what we were celebrating, but I have no idea at this point.  I'm guessing it was our 1st Anniversary...I'll follow up later. (the date on the photo is wrong...we're not approaching our 20th anniversary!)

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