Monday, May 7, 2012

Disney World!

Two weeks ago, we had a very memorable week at Disney World with Jennifer's family thanks to her very gracious parents.  It was beyond fun experiencing that through the eyes of the kids.  We packed so much into the week that I don't know where to start and I cannot seem to come up with the time necessary to adequately give a sufficient recap.  Jennifer took hundreds of pictures that would take hours to cycle through.  Therefore, I'm going to take the easy way out. If you're intersted in learning more about our week, go to (our brother-in-law) and read/look at his first recap.  As usual, Zack did a nice job summarizing with help of pictures.  As he has time, it sounds like he'll be adding some additional details so check back as you wish.

I will briefly mention a few highlights...

Jensen (still 4 at the time) braved the lengendary Space Mountain. Sure, she may have started crying halfway through but she has the badge of honor!

The live Nemo and Lion King shows at Animal Kingdom were so well-done that I'm at loss for how to portray them accurately.

Janie Grace, Charlotte & Miller kept up our pace all week admirably despite naps in strollers/baby carriers/arms and at inconvenient times.

Jacob enjoyed seeing the Hall of Presidents which is a production that's difficult to describe, but imagine a 100-foot stage full of all the presidents in life size that move and talk and look ultra realistic.  It was unlike anything I've seen before.

Lots of rides on trains, boats and the mono-rail.  (Miller was a big fan of the mono-rail.)

A couple meals where characters visited our tables while eating!

Jensen got to have breakfast with Jennifer in the Magic Kingdom Castle.  Cinderella was there!!

The Hoop Dee Doo Revue in Ft. Wildnerness where we stayed was so fun.  The kids really got into the act too.

I could go on but this gives you a taste of our week.  It was so fun.  We'll never forget the memories made.

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