Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Jensen!!!


Five years ago to the minute, I got a call from mommy that was quite surprising.  You see, when I'd left for work around 8:00 AM, mommy was having mild contractions and we knew you were on your way (Jacob was born 24 hours after the first contractions).  Mommy insisted that I go to work with the understanding that she'd call when the contractions got more painful.  I was expecting a short day at work and knew it was likely that, being our 2nd child, you'd come more quickly than Jacob had.  However, I wasn't expecting a call to come home just one hour after arriving at work.  I couldn't believe when mommy called that contractions were just minutes apart and she was on the floor of the garage in tremendous pain. 

I raced home wondering why mommy hadn't called sooner.  When I got home, she was still on the garage floor waiting for me.  Jacob was with Ty and Chelsea.  We hurried off to the hospital, getting there around 10:30 and you were born about 45 minutes later!

It's a morning we'll never forget!!  Everything happened so quickly!

Happy Birthday, Jensen!  We're so proud of who you are.  We love you!

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