Friday, May 25, 2012

We Can Spell...Ceereeusly

A friend captured this picture in greater Greensboro today.  Appears to be a likely candidate for a Jay Leno joke.  (There's a reason NC has a reputation!)

Hopefully, they're aren't too many lions in the area.

Separation Anxiety

In a rather short period of time, Janie Grace has developed a pretty strong case of "Mom and Dad Only".  For so long, she's been a friend to all and now she's become quite picky.  This is uncharted water for us as Jacob and Jensen never had much of an aversion to being with others.

As we've mentioned before, a good friend, Lorrie, spends most Friday mornings with Janie Grace.  Lorrie's a trooper for trying to battle through the chaos of Janie's stubbornness.

We'd like to blame all this on the fact that Janie has about 5 teeth coming in but the evidence doesn't completely support our hope.

On a walk this morning, Janie went from this...

To this just a few moments later...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


If we could get a baby carrier that Jensen could wear and that would hold Janie Grace, Jensen would use it several hours each day.  Sometimes we think there is velcro on Jensen that magically attaches only to Janie Grace.  

Jensen also enjoys riding Janie's strollers backwards so that she can basically sit on JG's lap!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Disney World - Update #2

For those curious about some additional Disney details, Zack has put together another great summary.

As a 2nd career, Zack is considering the establishment of a consulting business that will cater to young families seeking advice on a Disney vacation.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Jason & Jennifer Pics

I know it's hard to imagine now that such a time existed, but when Jennifer and I first started dating and even in the early years of our marriage, we took film to the drugstore to be developed (gasp!).  Yes, we had to wait hours/days/weeks to see if we liked the pictures we'd taken.

Therefore, I'm going to take advantage of some early Jennifer/Jason pictures having recently been scanned for a presentation to MOPS that Jennifer is doing in order to memorialize the early days of our life together using modern technology.

But First....HORNET PRIDE!

The "Original" (while not the actual first known picture to contain Jennifer & Jason, it's what is thought to be the relationship kickoff picture of Jason/Jennifer the Couple.)  Taylor's Homecoming - 1997

Engagement Picture #1...moments after that memorable event

Wedding Day #1 (I had forgotten I was allowed to get married at just 14 years of age!)

Exiting our wedding reception beneath a canopy of sparklers.

Real Chicago Pizza at the original Pizzeria Uno at some significant moment early in our marriage.  Jennifer will remember exactly what we were celebrating, but I have no idea at this point.  I'm guessing it was our 1st Anniversary...I'll follow up later. (the date on the photo is wrong...we're not approaching our 20th anniversary!)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Jensen Birthday Summary, Part 3

Here are some final pictures from her big day.

A "5" shirt from Aunt Jessie & Family

Blowing out a candle (no cake...she wanted Coldstone ice cream!)

Annual letter from Jennifer to finish up the day.

Jensen's Birthday Summary, Part 2

Jensen has been patiently waiting for a larger bike.  She's been riding one that was too small for her beginning last summer!  All that changed on her birthday.

A surprise on the back patio...

Cautiously excited...

A new helmet and basket (got to accessorize!). 
Notice that she took the wearing of her birthday crown quite seriously.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Jensen's Birthday Summary, Part 1

Back on May 2nd, Jensen turned the BIG 5.  She'd been counting down the days until the major milestone!

There are several things about her day to highlight...we'll start with her birthday celebration at school.

Getting to wear her Princess Crown she'd made early in the year.

Mickey Mouse rice-crispy treats to share with her classmates.

Jensen was given the chance to show the class some pictures from her time at Disney World.

Jensen's Teachers

Jensen has had a great year of pre-school with Mrs. Sheri and Mrs. Kathryn.  It's been exciting to observe Jensen's confidence grow during her first year of school.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Visit from Grandpa Huitsing

A few weeks back, Jason's dad came to town for a visit.  The pics below highlight some of the activities while he was in town.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wacky Tacky Day at GES

Jacob's outfit was mild compared to many of his peers (and teachers) that I saw this morning!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Jensen Pic

I love it when a picture of Jensen gets captured that shows the smile we see everyday!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Disney World!

Two weeks ago, we had a very memorable week at Disney World with Jennifer's family thanks to her very gracious parents.  It was beyond fun experiencing that through the eyes of the kids.  We packed so much into the week that I don't know where to start and I cannot seem to come up with the time necessary to adequately give a sufficient recap.  Jennifer took hundreds of pictures that would take hours to cycle through.  Therefore, I'm going to take the easy way out. If you're intersted in learning more about our week, go to (our brother-in-law) and read/look at his first recap.  As usual, Zack did a nice job summarizing with help of pictures.  As he has time, it sounds like he'll be adding some additional details so check back as you wish.

I will briefly mention a few highlights...

Jensen (still 4 at the time) braved the lengendary Space Mountain. Sure, she may have started crying halfway through but she has the badge of honor!

The live Nemo and Lion King shows at Animal Kingdom were so well-done that I'm at loss for how to portray them accurately.

Janie Grace, Charlotte & Miller kept up our pace all week admirably despite naps in strollers/baby carriers/arms and at inconvenient times.

Jacob enjoyed seeing the Hall of Presidents which is a production that's difficult to describe, but imagine a 100-foot stage full of all the presidents in life size that move and talk and look ultra realistic.  It was unlike anything I've seen before.

Lots of rides on trains, boats and the mono-rail.  (Miller was a big fan of the mono-rail.)

A couple meals where characters visited our tables while eating!

Jensen got to have breakfast with Jennifer in the Magic Kingdom Castle.  Cinderella was there!!

The Hoop Dee Doo Revue in Ft. Wildnerness where we stayed was so fun.  The kids really got into the act too.

I could go on but this gives you a taste of our week.  It was so fun.  We'll never forget the memories made.

Janie is a Swingin'!

Janie Grace has yet to meet a swing that doesn't coerce an immediate cackle once she gets moving. Check her out..

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Jensen!!!


Five years ago to the minute, I got a call from mommy that was quite surprising.  You see, when I'd left for work around 8:00 AM, mommy was having mild contractions and we knew you were on your way (Jacob was born 24 hours after the first contractions).  Mommy insisted that I go to work with the understanding that she'd call when the contractions got more painful.  I was expecting a short day at work and knew it was likely that, being our 2nd child, you'd come more quickly than Jacob had.  However, I wasn't expecting a call to come home just one hour after arriving at work.  I couldn't believe when mommy called that contractions were just minutes apart and she was on the floor of the garage in tremendous pain. 

I raced home wondering why mommy hadn't called sooner.  When I got home, she was still on the garage floor waiting for me.  Jacob was with Ty and Chelsea.  We hurried off to the hospital, getting there around 10:30 and you were born about 45 minutes later!

It's a morning we'll never forget!!  Everything happened so quickly!

Happy Birthday, Jensen!  We're so proud of who you are.  We love you!