Friday, December 16, 2011

What is a G-tube Anyway?

Truth is...I still don't get it. I'd recommend asking a GI doc if you're really curious. However, here's a picture of Janie's first one that was put in back in August and changed out a couple weeks ago. Right before our eyes, this one came out and the new one was functional within a matter of a minute in the comfort of a simple exam room. Supposedly, we're suppose to be able to do this procedure ourselves....RRRRight! Fortunately, with Janie eating as she is, we're hopeful the one she currently has will be her last. It'll need to come out around March. (Apparently, the device wears out and there are different sizes based on the size of the patient. Janie got a bigger size this time around since she's grown!) With flu season done by March, the doctors should be confident she can be done with it permanently, and they'll let the "hole" heal up. Hopefully, that will occur naturally. Otherwise, it might require a small procedure.

As I understand it, the balloon at the bottom is what holds the device in place. It expands and presses against the stomach wall so that, theoretically, it cannot be pulled out. Needless to say, children do pull them out all the time. We really hope that thing stays locked in position until March!

(Jennifer is holding it using a syringe so you could better see it. The flap to the left folds over and seals the top of it when it's not being used.)

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