Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Happy Birthday, Janie Grace!

It's become cliche to make this statement, but we simply cannot believe that it's already been one year since we were holding JG for the first time. Our lives have been immeasurably blessed by Janie's first year on earth. She's added depth to our family, made friends with strangers everywhere she goes, brought healing to relationships, reminded us of the priorities of life, encouraged us to smile more since she never stops grinning, and visibly demonstrated that the miracles of the Bible still happen today.

A sentence or two here will never be enough, but Jennifer and I want to humbly thank the hundreds that have prayed for Janie Grace during this past year. When we look back on these 12 months, we often shake our heads in disbelief at what we've experienced and how the Lord has pulled us through via His strength and your prayerful support, acts of generosity and constant provision of our physical needs. We're tickled that Janie Grace occupies a little corner of so many hearts given that her own heart needed such significant repair!

Janie, our family's life without you would be less full, less joyful and less dependent. We cannot wait to see how you surprise us in 2012!


  1. Beautiful words and such a beautiful little life. Happy Birthday Janie Grace!! Praising God for the gift you are to so many already. He has great plans for you little one :)

  2. I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face. She has taught my family so much already as well and I thank the Lord for bringing her to us. Oh how JG has blessed me and I can't wait to see how her life is used for His Glory!

  3. Happy, happy birthday, sweet Janie Grace! We are so glad you were born!
