Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pics of Janie's 1st Year, Part 1

Jennifer went through and pulled pics of Janie since her birth. We'll share a few with you over several posts. Some will be familiar. Others are pre-blog. It's the first time we've (or at least I've) gone back and seen the progression of her development (or lack of development at times.)

I'd admit that a couple were hard to look at (not because of how she looked, although the heart surgery ones were more difficult to look at now than they were 6 months ago) but because they served as a reminder of the stress and challenges she and we endured. We're so thankful to be where we are today and thankful for the process we've endured to have her at the point where she is today.

December, 6 2010

December 25, 2010

January 2011 - losing those chubby cheeks!

Late January 2011, hence, the feeding tube

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