Thursday, July 28, 2011

Surgery Date Set

By the way, I failed to mention that JG is up to 13 lbs and 12 oz!!

After our appointment with the surgeon this morning at Brenner, we're set up for the surgery/procedure to occur on Tuesday morning August 2nd. The procedure itself takes about 30 minutes, but Janie will need to be completely knocked out again, so I suspect we won't see her most of the morning. We're told that Janie should be able to bypass ICU and go right to the floor. Obviously, this is less risky than heart surgery but certainly something we'll be glad to have behind us. My guess is that if all goes well she'll be in the hospital for 3-4 days. Optimistically, maybe a week from now she'll be home. We've requested to be on the 6th floor where many of the nurses are familiar faces and Janie is well-loved.

Please pray that she'd be healthy leading up to the surgery so that the doctors are comfortable putting her under and performing the surgery. There are always lots of logistics to put in place as we think of Jacob and Jensen, so pray that all comes together as well.

On one hand, this sort of feels like it'll bring our summer to a quick finale. On the other hand, we're glad to get this out of the way before school starts for Jacob and Jensen.

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