Thursday, July 28, 2011

Janie After Dinner

Janie is being introduced to many new flavors on a regular basis. She's had squash, sweet potatoes, pears, peas, bananas, carrots (probably her favorite) and, as of Wednesday, avocado. She seemed to really like the avocado. Jennifer let's her lick cantaloupe, broccoli, bread etc and she's willing to give most anything a try!

After most every meal, she could probably use a bath. We're encouraged to see her willing to try food. She's certainly taking in more than ever but is still a long way from sustaining herself independently. She does show signs of being hungry which is also a good thing.

Later this morning (Thursday), we have an appointment with the general surgeon who will oversee JG's procedure to have her G-tube installed which will be a port directly into her belly without need for a tube through her nose. That procedure will probably be done during August some time (we guess).

1 comment:

  1. A messy face has never been so beautiful :) Such exciting progress!
