Monday, March 4, 2013

Jacob Turns 8

Always fun to have a birthday fall on a Saturday.  Jacob decided to get real creative and invite a few of his closest friends over to play basketball and football (surprise, surprise).  Basketball was so much fun that they never played football!  Amongst some other team shooting games, there were some epic games of 3-on-3 while the odd man out took on Jennifer in some high-stakes pop-a-shot.

Jacob has some great friends.  They've all known each other since before they could say each other's name.

Jacob started off the day getting a handsome addition for the bedroom wall. 

Front L-R: Carter, Brooks, Middle: Tucker, Jacob, Blake, Back: Cole, Ty



In the team shooting games, Jason's line seemed to keep beating Don's line.  Must have been the coaching!

This vintage picture hangs on the bedroom wall.  Jacob, Blake, Brooks, Tucker circa 9/2008.

All eyes closed...except for the birthday boy.  He must be thinking about that jumper he missed.





This is Cole... but on Saturday he became known as "RM" (Rebounding Machine).  Of the available rebounds (and, trust me, there were a lot of missed shots), Cole must have retrieved 50% of the rebounds.  It was a requirement that he only be referred to as "RM".  I should have given him the Rodman jersey off of my back!

Blake "Welcome Back Kotter"

Don showed no mercy in making sure these boys knew he's not in the retirement home yet.

After the party, the 5 of us finished up the evening with Subway (Jacob's pick), cake and family presents.

Aunt Jessie's annual gift.  If the nickname sticks, he'll be a 5th generation Huits.

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