Monday, March 25, 2013

Football Pillow

This pillow was made in 6th grade by Jason. (Well, really it was sewn by Mrs. Barber the slightly senile Home Ec. teacher, but I was awarded an A for my efforts.)  That pillow and a ton of extra credit for bringing in empty margarine cups (thanks mom) managed to help me earn an A for my efforts that semester even though I never once threaded the sewing machine on my own.  However, the experience did confirm that I enjoy cooking.  Anyway...

This pillow sat on my bed at home for the better part of a decade following 6th grade.  Several years ago, it was relocated and has been on Jacob's bed each night with him.  Now, after all these years, it's age is showing having survived many pillow fights, so it was ceremoniously thrown away over the weekend.  This photo will have to serve as its lasting memorial.

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