Friday, March 29, 2013

Misc. Pics

Watching the starting line-up of the Bulls be introduced is still worth pausing for...
(What they don't know is that it was way better in the late 80's and early 90's!)

Jennifer observed Janie Grace "teaching" just as JG observes at Sunday School and the libary.


For his concert at school, Jacob and the other 2nd graders dressed up as Cowboys and Cowgirls.

The mustaches are back.  (Ty gave them to Jacob for his birthday.)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bulls End Heat's Streak

Jacob was pumped last night when he went to bed because the Bulls were beating the Heat.  We woke him up about 11:00 so he could watch the final 5 minutes.  A fun memory for Bulls fans!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Young Miller

A picture like this seems to be a right-of-passage for all young aspiring soccer stars.  Here is cousin Miller striking a classic pose.

Football Pillow

This pillow was made in 6th grade by Jason. (Well, really it was sewn by Mrs. Barber the slightly senile Home Ec. teacher, but I was awarded an A for my efforts.)  That pillow and a ton of extra credit for bringing in empty margarine cups (thanks mom) managed to help me earn an A for my efforts that semester even though I never once threaded the sewing machine on my own.  However, the experience did confirm that I enjoy cooking.  Anyway...

This pillow sat on my bed at home for the better part of a decade following 6th grade.  Several years ago, it was relocated and has been on Jacob's bed each night with him.  Now, after all these years, it's age is showing having survived many pillow fights, so it was ceremoniously thrown away over the weekend.  This photo will have to serve as its lasting memorial.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Happy World Down Syndrome Day!

March 21 is WDSD.  Donna took Jennifer and JG out to celebrate! 

Granny kindly sent 3 flowers from St. Louis representative of Trisomy 21

Janie decided to celebrate her big day by getting out all the cheerios...again! 
(time to re-think cereal storage)

Last night, the book basket seemed better-suited for sitting in like a chair.

Homework for Jacob and Jensen

What this picture cannot tell you is that they were listening to a Chicago Bulls theme music cd (circa 1995) in the background while knocking out some assignments.

Jensen Wants to Be Nice

In a recent car conversation between Jennifer and Jensen, the topic of what she Jensen wants to be when she grows up was broached.  Upon being asked, Jensen paused for a couple moments and proceeded to answer..."Nice".  We love that girl's heart!

Interestingly (she hadn't said this before), she went on to say that she'd like to work at a hospital when she's older.  There are no doubts here that she'd be a welcome addition to any environment of that nature.

Down Syndrome Night at Tumblebees

Families affiliated with the Down Syndrome Network were able to spend time together at Tumblebees this past weekend.  It's a fun place for kids of all ages!

A series of pictures showing Janie working her way up a slide with no help but Jensen was on hand just in case...

A foam pit nearly swallows up Jacob...

Janie Grace conquers the runway trampoline...

Janie Grace has a way of drawing a crowd...

Friday, March 15, 2013

Jensen on the Bars at Gymnastics

In her final gymnastics session for the season, Jensen accomplished a turn a on the bars she hadn't yet done. 

JG with Poppy

Janie Grace loves her Poppy.  She calls his name constantly.

Janie's Basketball

Given how much she watches her brother shoot hoops, Janie gave it a whirl.  She was trying so hard!

Finally, she went with something she does best...give a kiss!

Jacob Reading to Jensen's Class

Jacob was invited by his former teachers to read to Jensen's class.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013

Spring Arrived

Our family enjoyed 2 beautiful days outside this weekend with temps in the mid-60's and lots of sunshine...first outdoor meal of 2013, no bugs, fired up the grill and came away with some sun on cheeks, necks and bald spots.

Here Jensen and Landry opted for an outdoor tea party.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Need an Age Reminder?

Jacob is 8 and Jensen has a few more weeks of 5.

Rocking the Mustache

Jacob was given a collection of fake mustaches for his birthday from his buddy, Ty.  Some good laughs resulted on a recent slow afternoon with the kids attempting to mimic their Poppy D's former 'stache.

I can only imagine what Janie was thinking during all of this.  (Caption that look in the background!)

Is that Wyatt Earp in our kitchen?

Strike a pose Jensen!

Jacob claimed to be James Harden (see Houston Rockets)...he has a ways to go!

Jensen at Molly's Party

Jensen was invited to a gymnastics birthday party for Molly (seated hugging her brother) along with several of her friends. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Jacob Turns 8

Always fun to have a birthday fall on a Saturday.  Jacob decided to get real creative and invite a few of his closest friends over to play basketball and football (surprise, surprise).  Basketball was so much fun that they never played football!  Amongst some other team shooting games, there were some epic games of 3-on-3 while the odd man out took on Jennifer in some high-stakes pop-a-shot.

Jacob has some great friends.  They've all known each other since before they could say each other's name.

Jacob started off the day getting a handsome addition for the bedroom wall. 

Front L-R: Carter, Brooks, Middle: Tucker, Jacob, Blake, Back: Cole, Ty



In the team shooting games, Jason's line seemed to keep beating Don's line.  Must have been the coaching!

This vintage picture hangs on the bedroom wall.  Jacob, Blake, Brooks, Tucker circa 9/2008.

All eyes closed...except for the birthday boy.  He must be thinking about that jumper he missed.





This is Cole... but on Saturday he became known as "RM" (Rebounding Machine).  Of the available rebounds (and, trust me, there were a lot of missed shots), Cole must have retrieved 50% of the rebounds.  It was a requirement that he only be referred to as "RM".  I should have given him the Rodman jersey off of my back!

Blake "Welcome Back Kotter"

Don showed no mercy in making sure these boys knew he's not in the retirement home yet.

After the party, the 5 of us finished up the evening with Subway (Jacob's pick), cake and family presents.

Aunt Jessie's annual gift.  If the nickname sticks, he'll be a 5th generation Huits.