Thursday, December 20, 2012

Janie at the Gym

Janie is a big fan of the gym (most of the time) as the ladies that care for her while Jennifer works out go above and beyond with the attention they pay to Janie Grace (it doesn't hurt that she's often the only child there).  Our family is blessed by the investment these ladies have made in Janie.  Everybody was in tears yesterday (including Jennifer) when Jennifer gave them a token of our appreciation and communicated some heartfelt words of gratitude.  We pray for other positive adult influences on our children and this is certainly evidence of answered prayer.  These ladies were as excited as us when Janie started walking.  Looking back it's strange to admit but Jennifer gave some prayerful consideration to using a different gym for working out several months ago.  However, it's been VERY clear that she's in the right spot.

Janie is a bit of a celebrity at the gym as she often walks laps around the floor and greets folks as they work out.  As usual, brightening the day with her smiles and kisses.

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