Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Greetings!

There have been some fun Christmas moments around our house in recent days.  Here are a few of the highlights...

Birthday cake for Jesus.  Look close and you'll see a manager with some of the characters.

Truth Disclaimer: This is a fake blow out on the 2nd attempt (camera issues the first time!).

Janie thought the candles were exciting!

The classic roll-out sugar cookies with lots of decorations and frosting.

Jennifer had recently re-connected with her favorite H.S. English teacher Mrs. K (at Costco of course!).  She wanted to pay tribute to her impactful teacher this Christmas, so we had the chance to drop into their home for an hour on Sunday and visit with she and her husband. 

Preparing for the annual sleep-beside-the-tree while finishing up the night's Jesse Tree reading and discussion.

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