Saturday, December 29, 2012

Trip to Indy


Fun in the snow...

Meeting up with friends Rob, Nicole and family

Janie on a merry-go-round

Jensen with our newest cousin...Regan


Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Greetings!

There have been some fun Christmas moments around our house in recent days.  Here are a few of the highlights...

Birthday cake for Jesus.  Look close and you'll see a manager with some of the characters.

Truth Disclaimer: This is a fake blow out on the 2nd attempt (camera issues the first time!).

Janie thought the candles were exciting!

The classic roll-out sugar cookies with lots of decorations and frosting.

Jennifer had recently re-connected with her favorite H.S. English teacher Mrs. K (at Costco of course!).  She wanted to pay tribute to her impactful teacher this Christmas, so we had the chance to drop into their home for an hour on Sunday and visit with she and her husband. 

Preparing for the annual sleep-beside-the-tree while finishing up the night's Jesse Tree reading and discussion.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Janie at the Gym

Janie is a big fan of the gym (most of the time) as the ladies that care for her while Jennifer works out go above and beyond with the attention they pay to Janie Grace (it doesn't hurt that she's often the only child there).  Our family is blessed by the investment these ladies have made in Janie.  Everybody was in tears yesterday (including Jennifer) when Jennifer gave them a token of our appreciation and communicated some heartfelt words of gratitude.  We pray for other positive adult influences on our children and this is certainly evidence of answered prayer.  These ladies were as excited as us when Janie started walking.  Looking back it's strange to admit but Jennifer gave some prayerful consideration to using a different gym for working out several months ago.  However, it's been VERY clear that she's in the right spot.

Janie is a bit of a celebrity at the gym as she often walks laps around the floor and greets folks as they work out.  As usual, brightening the day with her smiles and kisses.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday to Janie Grace!

The big #2 for the girl that blows more kisses (to herself and others!) than anybody we know!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Janie Helps w/ Puzzle

Janie is easy to lose track of these days as she bolts through open doors with great curiosity.  Last night, amidst baths for the oldest two, Janie found her way (quickly) into the living room despite our best efforts to keep her in sight.  I'm pleased to say she wasn't messing with the Christmas tree (probably because she had been firmly scolded minutes earlier for touching it!).  However, instead, she decided to help out with the 500-piece jigsaw puzzle that is in process.  To do so, she had to get creative. She used the foot stool to climb onto the coffee table and then situated herself very nicely at the card table as if she's a veteran of jigsaw puzzles.  I walked into the room and found this...

As you can tell, she seemed proud of herself!

We love seeing pictures of the kids that show their regular or "normal" expressions when they're not aware the camera is on them.  This is the sweet face of Janie Grace that we get to observe for hours each day...a genuinely happy expression throughout each day.