Monday, September 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Jennifer!

We celebrated Jennifer's birthday in a few ways over the weekend.  First, we joined some friends on a local lake Friday evening.  Turned out to be a magnificent end-of-summer night.  Jennifer memorialized turning 34 by proving her prowess on a water ski yet again.  After sand-bagging for a few minutes, she managed to get up on a single ski like an old pro.  At some point, you should ask her about the sweet picture that was captured of her as she danced around the wake.

Saturday marked the final day at the pool for Summer 2012.  Jennifer dropped the curtain on the season by flipping off the low-dive and doing her best cheerleader impression on the high dive (over and over again!).

Sunday was full of family time both at home and church.  After the kindergarten class sang happy birthday to her, we made our way to a local restaurant Jennifer had selected.  (I'm sure we'll be heading back before #35!).  After a game of Rack-O and the presentation of gifts and cards, we dug into a homemade pie Jennifer requested using apples she and the kids had picked a couple weeks back.

It seems she had a fun weekend celebrating her "Walter Payton" birthday.  (Janie Grace didn't have much of a nap on Sunday so she was counting sheep by the time we got to the apple pie on Sunday evening.)

Jensen shouting the happy birthday song...

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