Saturday, July 14, 2012

Rainy Day Fun

If it's rainy, obnoxiously hot or just time for some inside fun, there's a good chance Jensen will be playing with her doll house in the sun room.  While playing, she keeps a running narrative of the action.

For several weeks now, Jacob and Jensen have been taking all the magnets off the frig in the garage and placing them of the back of our cars only to immediately put them back on the frig minutes later after taking in their handy work.  Literally they do this on about a daily basis.  Jacob and Jensen desperately wish we'd put magnets on our cars but we've decided to refrain.  I guess this is their practice for one day decorating their own vehicles.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jennifer and Jason! This is Samantha Rogers- friend of Tracy's from Westover. I ran into Dr. Ungerleider this weekend and he asked me to have y'all email him about an event coming up that he think you would be interested in. So, just passing that along!! Take care!!! -Sam
