Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Curious George Socks

For the past 2-3 years, these have been Jacob's "go-to" socks.  The first pair worn again after laundry was folded.  They've been worn to bed, to school, to church, to basketball and football games.  I chuckled this past basketball season when all of Jacob's teammates had white athletic socks on while Jacob went Curious on them.  However, if they were on top of the sock drawer, they were the next pair on. 

Jennifer, ever nostalgic, has been reluctant to let them go, so they've gone well beyond well-worn.  Finally, last night, I told Jacob to put them in the trash at bed time.  All 3 sets of understanding eyes were immediately directed towards mommy wondering how she'd respond.  Sure enough...tears rolled down her cheeks.

It's funny that a silly pair of socks can conjure up such emotions, yet those feelings are real as we confront the reality of being unable to slow the pace of growing up.

I'm not sure who gave Jacob these socks and I'm not sure what was paid for them.   However, I feel pretty comfortable suggesting that no pair of socks Jacob will ever own will have a better return on investment!

1 comment:

  1. Man, you are hardcore. Let the poor kid keep his socks. ;)

    PS - when I need to email you about something I remember the blog, haha.
