Thursday, June 7, 2012

Jensen's Big Decision

As Believers in Christ, Jennifer and I certainly hope and pray that each of our children will make a personal and life-long decision to follow Christ.  We've come to know that life with Him is the greatest choice we've each made.

Jacob insists that he invited Jesus into his heart one day while sitting in the back of our van driving down Bryan Blvd here in Greensboro a few years ago.  However, he didn't immediately tell us about his decision.  No problem.  It's his decision...between he and the Lord, but we didn't get to really celebrate with him in that moment. 

Jensen, always one to ask relatively deep questions, has been hinting at being on the verge of this life-giving decision for months.  Wanting her to make as independent a decision as a 5-year-old can make, we've not pushed her into a decision.  Rather, we've told her to wait until she's ready.  Several times she indicated she was going to wait until being 6 or 7. 

On Sunday night (June 3rd), Jennifer came out of the kids' bedroom commenting that, "Jensen is close to asking Jesus into her heart" .  (Often, Jennifer snuggles with Jensen after singing/praying during which time Jensen will fire off question after question.)  Sunday night was no different...except it was.

On Monday morning, Jensen woke up and was excited to inform Jennifer that she'd asked Jesus into her heart after Jennifer left the room the night before "while listening to Jacob breathe after he fell asleep".  I have this beautiful picture in my mind of what that looked like...Jensen staring up at the top bunk, Cinderella night light on, wheels turning in her mind, a heart opening up, nothing but the sound of Jacob falling off to sleep.  On a night that seemed like most every other, Jensen took the personal initiative to confess her sins, ask for forgiveness and invite her Savior to live in her heart.  I've got to believe there was a simple smile on her face as she rolled over and drifted off to sleep.  The Bible tells us there was celebrating in Heaven as her soul was saved.  I know that Jennifer and I have been celebrating in our hearts ever since.


  1. So wonderful to hear! She will enjoy the sermon series on Heaven in light of her new life-changing decision! Best wishes on her new walk with Christ!

  2. This is a beautiful blog post. We are praying the Lord with you on her life changing decision! We love you Jensen!

  3. okay ... saw jeff last night and he sent me your blog! so glad to know you have one too! :) love this post about jensen. precious and sweet. loved getting caught up a bit on your lives!

  4. Man, I can't read this stuff at work...I'm getting all teary. That is wonderful! You are both amazing parents and I am proud to you know.

