Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Big 24 Hours for Jacob

Jacob has completed three memorable events in less than 20 hours.

First, on Tuesday evening, Jacob participated in his first swim meet.  I'm told 350 children ages 5-18 representing 2 pools competed meaning the streets surrounding our pool were packed full of mini-vans and full-size SUVs. 

Initially, Jacob was overwhelmed and apprehensive.  It's an intimidating sight for adults too!  Fortunately, he calmed his nerves and gave a great effort in the five different events to which he was assigned.  He even overcame having his goggles around his chin after diving in for one swim.  Our sense is that he started to catch the fever of competing both for his team and trying to improve his own personal best times.

After a late night and an early morning, Jacob was asked to lead his 1st grade peers with the Pledge of Allegiance, Cheetah Chant, School Pledge etc to kick off the end-of-year awards ceremony.  Sweet boy had to hold a microphone and everything.

Here he is welcoming the parents/guests in attendance (the first several rows were reserved for the students once they finished singing...I promise there were a few people there!)

Leading the Cheetah Chant...

Finally, today was also the talent show at school.  When Jacob first told us he was going to try out for the talent show we thought it was one of his infamous April Fools (May Fools) jokes.  However, he was serious and proceeded to earn a spot in the show by playing a stirring rendition of Yankee Doodle on the piano.

Either Jacob didn't understand or wasn't able to comprehend that the talent show was for the ENTIRE school.  Therefore, after figuring out today that he'd be playing in front of nearly 1,000 people, he got quite nervous.  However, what calmed his nerves was Jennifer's willingness to sit next to him while he played and he pulled it off!  I should clarify that for the entire hour he waited for his turn he knew Jennifer was going to sit with him.  There wasn't a "frozen" moment backstage or on stage.

Jacob had a piano recital several weeks ago with his fellow piano students, but the crowd was a much more manageable 100ish.  Today was an all new ballgame.  Despite his nerves, he's already announced he's going to try out again next year!  We'll see.

Jennifer commented that when Jacob's classmates saw that his nerves were starting to get the best of him while back in their classroom before the show, they were all very encouraging and supportive.  We're not surprised.  He's had a sweet group of classmates this year.  The girls always include Jensen when she's around for things and the boys all seem to look out for each other.  We've been thankful for that.

So after all this, I think Jacob is ready for his last day of school tomorrow!

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