Monday, November 21, 2011

Janie's Dedication

Janie Grace was dedicated at church on Sunday. Monthly, our church, designates time at the beginning of the service to dedicate young children to the Lord. It serves as a public proclamation by families of their intent to raise their children to know Christ...hoping and trusting that each child will choose to have a personal relationship with Jesus. Further, it reminds the church Body of its responsibility to provide a place where children can be taught the Truth.

As this is our third time around the block, we've grown accustom to looking forward to this memorable day for each child and each service has been special in its own way. I remember our time dedicating Jacob and Jensen very vividly.

Naturally, as we approach Janie's first birthday and reflect on the past year, anticipating yesterday with Janie Grace was an even more emotional as there were times over the past 18 months where we wouldn't have been able to guarantee in our minds what yesterday would like for her. As it turned out, it was memorable for all the right reasons and some humorous moments made it an event we won't soon forget.

Thanks to technology, you'll be able to watch it here shortly but some written commentary is probably appropriate to provide a bit of context.

First, with Jennifer's dad being a pastor, it's an honor and privilege to have the kids' Poppy D dedicating their lives to the Lord. While Don does a great job making dedications personal for all families, his opportunity to dedicate his grandchildren is a neat family event.

Secondly, as has been documented here through various examples, Jacob isn't very shy once he's comfortable with somebody. Therefore, despite the fact that he was probably standing in front of close to 1,000 people while on stage, he might as well have been in the living room with Poppy D alone. Also, as has been documented here, Jacob is a very precise kid. As bed time approaches, we'll give the 30-minute warning. It wouldn't be unusual for him to say, "Dad, bed time is actually in 28 minutes." Response..."yes, Jacob, that is true", followed by a roll of the eyes (presuming he isn't looking!)

Therefore, at the 0:50 mark of the video below, you'll hear Jacob correct Don while Don is making introductions as Jacob reminds Don (and the crowd) that he's actually "six-and-a-half". As if that wasn't enough, Jacob went on to correct Don moments later when he mistakenly mentioned that Jensen will be 5 in April only to have Jacob inform him (and the crowd) that Jensen will be 5 in May (Jensen was originally due in April and came late on May 2nd).

Okay, so the humor is behind us and it's time to get down to the rather serious task at hand, right??!!...reading a verse that we'd selected as sort of a charge for Janie Grace's life and praying for Janie Grace. However, Janie decided to throw a curve ball. Pay special attention beginning at 1:50 of the video...

Let's just say that Jennifer and I probably needed to re-apply deodorant after those brief moments on stage!

Ironically, Janie Grace almost NEVER spits up like that. We were completely caught off guard. (Now Jacob was a whole different story, he spit up after every meal and in between throughout the first year of his life. We walked around with towels on our shoulders never sure when he'd strike.) Thankfully, Janie Grace has always been good about keeping her food down (that was all the more important when every calorie counted early on!).

Fortunately, all the unplanned extracurriculars, didn't completely distract from the task at hand and there were a few moments that went according to plan. However, for many reasons, it'll be a day we never forget!

Here's a progression of still-shots while Janie was spitting up. Jennifer's facial expressions are priceless.

Finally, here are a few shots of the family on hand to celebrate including Jennifer's Granny from St. Louis.

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