Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Janie Updates

1) As of a recent eye doctor appointment, we've been told that Janie will NOT need eye surgery any time soon! We were thinking that was a possibility for late this year or in early 2012. Additionally, she's done wearing an eye patch for a couple hours each day. We were told that she'll probably wear glasses her entire life.

2) Perhaps we've not communicated this well enough, so we wanted to formally share that Janie gets 100% of her nutrition through her mouth. Her g-tube is still in place (we have the 3-month check-up tomorrow) and it continues to be used to get her miralax solution into her belly, but we've not been using it for nutritional purposes in weeks (maybe 2 months). In fact, she started taking in most of her food orally almost immediately after the tube was installed back in August. Naturally, this is an answer to prayer. Jennifer continues to introduce solid foods to Janie as well as her bottles of formula. Janie likes a variety of solid foods and is willing to take bites of beans, broccoli, meat, fruit, bread etc. She's slowly adding weight as well.

We're not quite sure what the doctor will say tomorrow when we tell him that we don't use it anymore. Surely, he'll be glad to hear it. We suspect they may keep it in during the winter flu season as a precaution.

3) Speaking of baby formula...with Jacob and Jensen, I don't think we purchased even one single can of formula ever. Fortunately, Jennifer was able to very successfully feed both kids. As was previously documented here, Jennifer nobly pumped for 8 months to feed Janie. During Janie's first ten months of life the formula we needed to fortify Jennifer's milk and then to be her only source of nutrition seemed to just keep showing up. Mainly, our pediatrician stocked us up with free "samples" every time Jennifer was in there with Janie Grace. There was also a miss-communication with the in-home service company that resulted in us getting a large supply free of charge. Recently, we had to purchase our first big can of formula as the "free" supply had run dry. (I know for many of you buying formula is as customary as buying diapers and you feel no sympathy!) Howver, just days later, as only the Lord can, a 54-day supply of formula showed up thanks to Jennifer's willingness to ask and the willingness of the nutritionist at UNC to make a call to a sales rep. on our behalf. Certainly, we'd have bought formula the next several months and not have given it a second thought. However, this was a great reminder to us that the Lord will not only continue to meet our needs but also throw us some nice surprises now and again.

4) We found this humorous...Jennifer called the in-home service company to have them come pick up the feeding pump and pole we no longer use (thankfully! although we do realize that it may have saved our daughter's life.). She was surprised when the person on the other end of the line said, "keep it, you now own it". So if you need a feeding pump... (who says only the health insurance companies win these days??!!)

5) Finally, we've referenced Janie's new-found mobility in recent weeks as she's figured out how to maneuver around a room to get where she wants to go (army crawl). This story will make more sense to those that have been in our home but it should illustrate her mobility to all nonetheless...Certainly not every night, but more often than not, Jacob and Jensen greet me at the door into the garage before I get out of the car once home from work. After greeting them, I typically see Jennifer and then go in search of Janie. Sometimes, her smiling face is right at the edge of the kitchen and family room as she works to follow Jacob and Jensen towards me. More often, she's swimming in a pool of her toys near our TV on the other side of the room.

One night recently, I walked into the family room after greeting the others and didn't see her. I asked Jennifer, "where is she?" Jennifer answered, "right there in the family room. I put her down two minutes ago." I responded, "no, she's not." Rather calmly, I started up the hall figuring she was working her way towards the bedrooms. However, there was no sign of her in the kids' bathroom, J&J's bedroom, JG's bedroom or our bedroom! (I even quickly looked under the beds where she's been known to roll before.) As I walked back through the family room towards the sunroom hoping she hadn't navigated the step down from the family room onto the tile sunroom floor (she hadn't, the doors were closed as they're suppose to be for that very reason...good job J&J!), I said to Jennifer, "I don't know where she is". Jennifer chuckled thinking I was joking. When she realized I wasn't, Jennifer ducked into the dining room from the kitchen and into then into the living room as I walked around the other way through the entry way. As we joined in the middle, we find this smiling up at us from right by our piano in the living room.

In just a brief couple minutes, Janie had scooted from the family room through the entry way and into the middle of the living room. Naturally, she wasn't nearly as concerned as we were and seemed pretty proud of herself!

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